Stockpile thomas
Stockpile thomas

When I came to, I found myself here, in the Nexus. When the Scourge came, I didn't know what hit me.

  • Can be found at The Nexus, in the main area.
  • Stockpile Thomas Location: Where to Find Stockpile Thomas He also drops the Ring of Herculean Strength when killed, unless you already traded him the Jade Hair Ornament for it.
  • Killing him will make it impossible to access any items he was holding until your next playthrough.
  • (If you try to grab an item and it says you are overweight just equip the ring, if you leave the item there and go back to Nexus the item will be lost forever). It's a good idea to always have this Ring with you (not necessarily equipped) so you don't lose dropped items because of Carrying Overweight. Make sure you have the Jade Hair Ornament in your own inventory. You must talk to him to exhaust his other dialog, before he will offer to make the exchange.
  • You can trade him the Jade Hair Ornament from Boletarian Palace in exchange for a Ring of Herculean Strength (increases carry weight).

    He can hold up to 99 of stackable items like upgrade stones, grass, spice, turpentine, etc., and up to 999 of each arrow type.

    stockpile thomas

    You don't need to carry the stones to the blacksmiths for them to use it - just leave it with Thomas. Weapon upgrades can be made at Blacksmith Boldwin and Blacksmith Ed while Stockpile holds on to the players ore.Stores any and all unused equipment for the player.The other corpse is holding the same armor set (except for the hat) as Yuria suggesting that his wife and/or daughter was a witch and that was probably the main reason for their execution. Due to Thomas' dialogue when you give him the ornament it becomes clear that these corpses very likely were his wife and daughter. In the Boletarian Palace you find two hung corpses, one holding the Jade Hair Ornament and the other the old raggedy robes set. Stockpile Thomas is a widower whose family was killed during the setting in of the deep fog his wife and daughter were either slain or turned into Demons, but Thomas, unwilling to dwell on the past, has made his home in the Nexus and is willing to store any and all items the player is carrying.

    stockpile thomas

    NPCs provide information, others are quest givers, while some are categorized as Merchants and/or Blacksmiths whom you can trade with or request for certain services. Stockpile Thomas is an NPC in Demon's Souls and Demon's Souls Remake. NPCs are the various characters that are encountered by the player throughout their journey.

    Stockpile thomas